
Sydney Walking Tours

About US

We provide customised, private walking tours of Sydney. Our local guides have an innate knowledge of both Sydney’s urban discoveries and exploring the outskirts. We will show you the icons, but will include out of the way, “local” haunts that make up the rich tapestry of Australia’s largest city. From sipping the best coffee at their favourite cafe to exploring the inner city suburbs or secret parts of the Sydney Harbour National Park, we guarantee that you will have fun while discovering the best that Sydney has to offer
Sydney Walking Tours

Elise Charlesworth

Owner of Syndey Walking Tours

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Your Friendly Guides

About Us | Sydney Walking Tours

Phil Baker

Head Guide

The guiding team is headed up by Philip Baker, a stonemason, sculptor, horticulturist, teacher and musician! Phil knows all the secret spots throughout Sydney and can get access to places you never knew existed.

About Us | Sydney Walking Tours

Hugh Wilson

Walking Guide

After having several great holidays in Australia, I emigrated here from Scotland 10 years ago, and fell in love with Sydney. I have learned a lot about our City, and its rich and colourful history, and love sharing this with our visitors.

About Us | Scott | Sydney Walking Tours

Scott Bartholomew

Walking Guide

I love where I live and introducing international guests to our beautiful city. Sydney is a great city to explore on foot and it helps I can walk and talk at the same time!

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